The Jewel Of Epicene – Chapter 2

The banister in the stairway had been artfully wrapped in matching white satin and lace while every other step was graced with a bountiful bouquet of white tulips at each side.  As Sir proudly steadied His prize with His hand at waist height, her tummy fluttered as a thousand butterflies danced within her.  Each step required the utmost precision in her high heels.  She loved how their jingle echoed through the hallway with each delicate step.

She mewled as her sex continued to involuntarily ooze into her panties.  She knew from previous experience just how transparent they would soon be.  Sasha could only pray her panties could manage to contain her dribbles long enough.

Once at the base of the stairs, Sir grasped her by the chin and turned her head to the side and upward to face Him.  “Be a good girl and wait in the room down the hall until we’re ready.  Be a good baby-girl for me, okay dear?”

The phrase ‘good baby-girl’ was one of the first phrases from her involuntary training Sir had forced upon her subconscience.  Its purpose was so devilishly simple and yet so exquisitely powerful.  She felt His hold envelop her being as a mixture of dopamine and oxytocin surged through her body.  These naturally occurring drugs are released during sexual intercourse and provide the amazing experience we all come to crave.  Sir has mastered the art of using His captive’s body against their own self-interests.  Deep down, Samantha knew she didn’t want this, and yet she was powerless to resist His very presence as the drugs exhausted what little resistance still remained.  With His expertise, He could placate even the most indignant sissy.  

Inside, the room was just as opulently decorated as what she had already seen.  The large chandelier commanded its presence as light filed the room via the massive floor to ceiling mirrors that filled each wall. Samantha first made her way towards the French patio doors that revealed the rows of white wooden back chairs that lined the courtyard.  There must be over two hundred people outside she thought.  

As her gaze studied the plethora of people, her eyes met with a single individual looking back at her through the glass. Like a small child, she bashfully turned around to hide her timid face from his peering eyes.  As she spun in place, Samantha quickly lost her balance and fell to the floor with a loud thud and yelp, but not before her hand grasped a nearby table lamp and brought it crashing down with her.  

The poor girl landed in such a way that her derriere was put on display for all the outside guests to see. With her petticoat flipped up and over her head, her knickers and garter straps were all anyone could focus on through those spotless French doors she had cleaned just yesterday.

Samantha’s eyes teared as she became overwhelmed with emotions.  As she cried motionless on the ground and hidden beneath her petticoat, she heard a pair of footsteps fast approaching.  With her hands buried in her face the lady quickly put Samantha’s petticoat back into its proper position before raising her head and pulling her hands from her face.

“There there, sweetie.  It’s okay, dear.”  The soothing woman’s voice was so tranquil and calming for poor Samantha.  “Can you tell your Aunt Willow what happened here?

Samantha quickly wiped the tears from her face and desperately tried to stifle her sniffling nose before speaking.  Thank goodness her makeup was waterproof.  It was a lessor her Master had learned early on.

“I… I was looking outside when… when… when a man looked right at me… and…”  She desperately held back her tears while struggling to finish her sentence.  “He startled me, Aunt Willow…”

“Oh Samantha, my dear!  Everything is okay.” she said, cupping the girls face in her hands for comfort. “I’m sure he was simply admiring your beauty!  Now honey, go play with your dollies on the desk over there and I’ll get this mess all cleaned up.” With that, Aunt Willow helped Samantha back to her feet and gave her a light pat on the bum as she watched her mince over to her waiting dolls.  

Samantha played tea time with her dollies as time passed.  After some amount of time, her animated playtime was interrupted when the door to the room burst open and a large group of people came storming in.  Laughter and cheering filled the previously calm room as nearly half a dozen women entered. Samantha was taken aback by the beautiful dresses they each wore.  Each had a matching off the shoulder neckline dress in a light lavender color with a beautiful lace bodice, a ribbon defined waist, and slit skirt. Were those bridesmaid dresses, she wondered?

During their frantic giggling session, one of the girls caught Samantha sitting at the desk and immediately squealed in excitement.

“Oh my god!  Everyone, it’s Samantha!”  The group quickly fell deafly silent before an uproarious cheer filled the air once more.  The group quickly encircled poor Samantha, picking her from the chair and placing her on her feet in the center of the room.

“She’s adorable!” said one.  “I hope my flower girl can look so beautifully cute someday soon!”  said another.  As they continued to praise her good looks, Samantha furrowed her brow in confusion as the realization of what the second woman had said hit her.

“Flower girl?”  Samantha spoke in perplexed confusion while looking down at her white dress.  
If I’m the flower girl, then who is…  Before she could finish the thought the door opened once more and a woman in a white dress much prettier, opulent, and expensive than hers entered the room clutching a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

… the bride?

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